Hi all! I wanted to share some of our summer pictures from Summer School this year to give you an idea of what Summer School is like here at Kids’ World.

Here we go:

The High School Students learned how build and maintain a greenhouse! They have been taking care of it ever since and it’s doing great.

Greenhouse 5 Greenhouse 6Greenhouse 8

They went on numerous beach trips and loved it.

Beach edited 6Beach edited 3

They learned the basics of archery…


Archery 3 Archery 2


They had a day of strawberry picking at the farm:

Farm edited 1 Farm edited 4

And did tons of art projects…

IMG_6031 IMAG1449

And last but not least the camping trip the kids look forward too all year:

camping 1 camping 2 camping 3 camping 5 camping 10 camping 8


The did much more than this but these are some of the highlights.

I hope that gives you a good idea of what the summer school was like for the kids. As usual, they loved it!